
Just like Jesus, we want to extend a warm welcome for our littlest friends at church! 

Babies, toddlers and preschoolers up to approximately age 4 are invited to play in creche during our church service. 

Creche is supervised by 2 or more (depending on numbers) AccessNI checked adult volunteers. It takes place downstairs in a purpose built room just adjacent to the front of our sanctuary where we have a selection of age appropriate toys to enjoy together.

Please do pass on any necessary medical or other relevant information about the kiddies before returning to the service. Prompt pickup at the end of our service is also appreciated. 

We understand, parents may wish to stay with their child if they have trouble settling and our church service is live-streamed in the creche room to help us feel connected. If it is helpful to you, there is also a comfortable space in the creche for caregivers to nurse/feed. 

We also have a selection of Christian parenting books/resources available to borrow from crèche to help you on this exciting and challenging journey. 

All crèche helpers are aware of our Child Protection and Health/Safety Policies and we adhere to these guidelines. If you have any further questions please feel free to contact the office or a member of the church.

We look forward to meeting you in crèche!